Just a few days ago, we showed you a quick glimpse of what “real” Android looks like on the Nokia X. Unfortunately, this was only a standard replacement launcher, leaving many of us salivating at the prospect of having a Nokia X with full access to Google Apps and Services. Now thanks to a guide by XDA Senior Member Kashamalaga, that time has come.
Kashamalaga’s guide is quite simple. First, you acquire root access using the Galdalf Exploit in Framaroot. From there, you install a root-capable file manager. Then, you copy a Nokia X-specific Gapps package by Kashamalaga to your /system/app folder, and give it the appropriate permissions. After a reboot and a few more application installs, you are then able to access the Google Play Store, various Google Apps, and the Google Experience Launcher:
This is a rudimental way to do it. This happen because we dont have recovery yet. Bootloader seems locked in some ways, so instead flashing a single zip, we need this way to get it working.
1) You should need a rooted device. Use Gandalf Exploit included in Framaroot app.
(Download it from http://forum.xda-developers.com/atta...1&d=1391850491)
2) We need a Root explorer app, use whatever you want. (For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...explorer&hl=es)
3) Extract and copy all apks from "NokiaX_Gapps_KashaMalaga_28.02.2014.zip" to /system/app and change permisions for this files.
4) Reboot your device
5)Extract and install as normal user every single needed apk include in "NokiaX_SomeGoogleApps.zip". (If wanna use Google Now Launcher, open it after install it)
6) Try to launch Play Store, its gonna ask you for a Google Account
7) Enjoy the Android flavour on your Nokia!
More info and screenshots: XDA-developers
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